
Media Interview with SixClouds’ CEO, Mr Richard Woon

December 2022

Yangi Ozbekiston news media conducted an interview with SixClouds’ CEO, Mr Richard Woon. During the interview, Mr Woon shared his observations and perspectives on the various aspects of improving the public education system in Uzbekistan.


SixClouds Begins Principals and Teachers Training Programmes in Sirdarya, Uzbekistan

October – December 2022

In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education and A. Avloniy Institute, SixClouds was engaged to provide training for public school Principals and Maths Teachers in the Sirdarya region. The objectives of these training programmes are to improve organisational management outcomes and pedagogical training to improve teaching and learning outcomes.

Principals attended Introduction to Design Thinking courses conducted by SixClouds’ professional development trainers. The interactive and hands-on programme sought to improve/change the mindsets of school management personnel in achieving organisation success through a human centred approach to resolving problems encountered by students, parents and teachers in school or the education system.

Maths Teachers attended pedagogy training courses conducted by experts from our curriculum development team. The practical courses incorporated many aspects of pedagogical best practices, including Problem Based Learning methods, Singapore Maths methods, effective lesson planning methods to improve lesson planning, teaching and student learning outcomes for Maths lessons in Sirdarya public schools.

SixClouds Signs Memorandum of Understanding with A. Avloniy Institute, Uzbekistan, to acquire our Learning Programmes for Public Schools

July 2022

An MOU was signed between SixClouds and A. Avloniy Institute with the aim to acquire our Maths and English animated online learning programmes for all Grade 1 to Grade 8 students and teachers in public schools. The key objective for introducing our learning programmes to public schools is to improve both teaching and learning outcomes and enhance the learning standards of Uzbek students towards PISA standards.

Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Forum

April 2022

We were honoured to be invited by the Ministry of Public Education, Uzbekistan, to present at the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) forum, which was jointly hosted by the Ministry and GPE. During the forum, we shared, with the participating organisations of the GPE, our perspectives for the future development of education policies in Uzbekistan and potential collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education to improve student learning outcomes in Uzbek public schools.

SixClouds Supports Public Schools in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, with BUZZ English Programmes

April 2021

In collaboration with H.E. Kakhramon Shakirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Singapore and his team, public schools in the Karakalpakstan region of Uzbekistan began to use our BUZZ English learning programme to teach their students English as a foreign language.

Great Maths Challenge with Great Eastern, Singapore

February – April 2021

SixClouds partnered Great Eastern to launch the Great Maths Challenge, a fun Maths quiz for primary school children in Singapore. Children were challenged to solve Maths questions from a higher grade level by watching our SMILE Maths learning videos. An overwhelming number of participants had great fun learning, competing and winning wonderful prizes.

SixClouds Future Ready Forum

December 2020

We were proud to host our SixClouds Future Ready online forum to a global audience on 5th December 2020. The key focus of the forum was Nurturing Skillsets for the 21st Century and how parents and educators can prepare children to be future ready.

H.E. Kakhramon Shakirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Singapore was very gracious to open the event. Our keynote speakers were Miss Yong Yoek Ling, Chief Advisor for Programmes Development at SixClouds, and Mr Noel Loh, Director of Curriculum at SixClouds. Both experts shared their experiences, perspectives and insights on the changing landscapes for education into the future and importance of ensuring children have the correct skillsets so as to excel in fast and everchanging learning and work environments.

Online Masterclass Series with the Presidential Schools in Uzbekistan

November – December 2020

An online Masterclass series was launched, in collaboration with PIIMA, for the Presidential Schools in Uzbekistan. The multiple Masterclass sessions served not only to introduce our fun and exciting animated online Maths and English programmes to the students, but also showcased our best practices of integrating and using our programmes during in-class, hybrid and offline learning models for the Presidential School teachers.

Presentations and Online Masterclasses for New Era University Elementary Schools, Philippines

November – December 2020

We are proud to embark on a partnership with New Era University (NEU) Elementary Schools as they adopt our SMILE Maths programmes for their Grades 1 to 6 students. To facilitate a smooth roll out of our SMILE programme, a series of online masterclasses and trainings were conducted for their Maths teachers, where we shared the best practices of integrating and using our SMILE programme successfully into their lesson planning and student’s learning objectives.

SixClouds Sponsors the Children’s Cancer Foundation, Singapore (CCF)

April 2020

In keeping with our Vision, Mission and Core Values, SixClouds is proud to sponsor CCF Singapore with our animated online Maths and English programmes. Even though the children under CCF’s care are undergoing medical treatment, these little warriors are still striving hard on their learning journey via CCF’s learning centre, Place for Academic Learning and Support (PALS).

We hope our support of the dedicated teaching staff and the brave children will bring a ray of sunshine and joy to the learning journey of these children!

SixClouds Signs Memorandum of Understanding with The Agency for the Development of the Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools (PIIMA), Uzbekistan

March 2020

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between SixClouds and The Agency for the Development of the Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools (PIIMA), to support the 14 Presidential Schools in Uzbekistan with our animated online Maths and English learning programmes.

These schools are specialised education institutions created to identify and educate gifted children through the use of advanced technologies, like our learning programmes, in the educational process, as well as to support and encourage gifted youth, and ensuring the upbringing of an intellectually developed generation.

SixClouds Participates at STEAM Event in Tashkent

October 2019

SixClouds was honoured to be invited as a keynote speaker at the STEAM event organised by the Private School Association of Uzbekistan. Held at the grand Palace of the Youth, the event showcased different aspects of STEAM related education and learning to children, parents and teachers.

Presentations, Teacher Training and Teaching Masterclasses with Private Schools in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

January – April 2019

We conducted several very fruitful sharing sessions, about our animated online Maths and English learning programmes, with several private schools in Tashkent city. These programmes were adopted into the curriculums of these schools. A successful series of teaching masterclasses and teacher training was also conducted for these schools, by our Maths and English curriculum development team, to enable the teachers in these schools to fully harness the power of our learning programmes for their students.

SixClouds Ventures into Uzbekistan

October 2018

Representatives from SixClouds made our first venture to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Our mission was to explore the education marketplace in the country. We were honoured to be invited to speak at InnoWeek on the topic of Learning for the Future, where we shared our views on the importance of 21st Century Skills in preparing children for the Future of Learning.

Whilst in Tashkent, we also showcased our Animated Learning Programmes and discussed collaboration opportunities with leaders and representatives from the Oliy Majlis, the Ministry of Pre-School Education and the Ministry of Public Education.

SixClouds Participates in Ngee Ann Polytechnic Student Exchange Programme with Universities in Chong Qing, China

March 2018

SixClouds was an integral part in Ngee Ann Polytechinc’s (NYP) student exchange programme with several universities in Chong Qing, China. Besides being involved in the collaboration between Ngee Ann Polytechnic and local universities to establish a long term student exchange programme, SixClouds also took part in the programmes and shared our experiences with regards to Entrepreneurship and Start-Up businesses in China to programme participants from NYP.


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